Budget for the international transaction log

Thursday, 26 July 2018 Read 862 times Written by 

Decision 7/CMP.13
Budget for the international transaction log and a methodology for the collection of its fees for the biennium 2018–2019

     The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol,
     Recalling Article 13, paragraph 5, of the Kyoto Protocol,
     Also recalling decisions 11/CMP.3, 10/CMP.5, 9/CMP.6, 8/CMP.8 and 8/CMP.11,
Recognizing the importance of sufficient and stable funding for the international transaction log,
Also recognizing the importance of the proper functioning of the international transaction log for the Parties listed in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol as contained in annex I to decision 1/CMP.8 (hereinafter in this decision referred to as Parties),
1. Approves the budget for the international transaction log for the biennium 2018–2019, amounting to EUR 5,204,520, for the purposes specified in the proposed budget for the international transaction log;1
2. Decides to maintain the level of the working capital reserve at 8.3 per cent of the estimated expenditure for the Trust Fund for the International Transaction Log;
3. Authorizes the Executive Secretary to draw EUR 2.5 million from unspent balances of the Trust Fund for the International Transaction Log from previous financial periods to cover part of the budget for the biennium 2018–2019;
4. Also authorizes the Executive Secretary to draw funds from unspent balances of the Trust Fund for the International Transaction Log from previous financial periods to cover the potential shortfall in fees due to the disconnection of Parties from the international transaction log;
5. Notes that the action referred to in paragraph 3 above is exceptional and is needed to disburse the significant unspent funds, and recognizes that fees for the operation of the international transaction log are to be levied as necessary in future bienniums;
6. Also notes that any unspent balances of the Trust Fund for the International Transaction Log from previous financial periods remaining after the actions referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 above could be used to cover the budget of the international transaction log for future bienniums;
7. Requests the administrator of the international transaction log to disclose in its annual reports the unspent balance of the Trust Fund for the International Transaction Log from the previous biennium as at the time of publication of the annual report;
8. Adopts the scale of fees for the international transaction log for the biennium 2018–2019 as contained in the annex;
9. Decides that fees for the international transaction log paid by a Party for the biennium 2018–2019 shall be calculated by multiplying the scale of fees for that Party contained in the annex by the budget for the international transaction log for the biennium 2018–2019 and adjusted for Parties currently not connected to the international transaction log, taking into account the amount drawn from unspent balances as set out in paragraph 3 above, with the balance of fees for the first year of the biennium being equal to the balance of fees for the second year of the biennium, as contained in the annex;
10. Requests the Executive Secretary to notify Parties connected to the international transaction log in the biennium 2018–2019 of the annual fees, calculated in accordance with paragraph 9 above, as early as possible and at least four months in advance of the relevant calendar year, where possible;
11. Decides that, if a Party connects to the international transaction log for the first time or reconnects to it, the scale of fees for that Party shall be that contained in the annex, or, for Parties not listed in the table contained in the annex, shall be made equal to 130 per cent of their Kyoto Protocol adjusted scale for the relevant biennium;
12. Also decides that fees paid by a Party that connects to the international transaction log for the first time or reconnects to it shall be deducted from the resource requirement for activities relating to the international transaction log in the next biennium;
13. Further decides that fees paid by a Party that connects to the international transaction log for the first time or reconnects to it during the biennium 2018–2019 shall be proportioned for the period between the date of connection or reconnection of its registry and the end of the biennium, except for the period for which the fees were already paid;
14. Decides that, where a Party disconnects during the biennium 2018–2019, the Party shall cover the fees for the full year in which the disconnection took place, and that, if the disconnection takes place in the first year of the biennium and the Party does not reconnect in the second year of the biennium, fees for the second year of the biennium shall not apply;
15. Also decides that, where a Party disconnected prior to the biennium 2018–2019, the fees shall not apply until the Party reconnects to the international transaction log;
16. Authorizes the international transaction log administrator to disconnect the registry of a Party from the international transaction log in the event of the non-payment of its fees by that Party, provided that such disconnection shall not be effected earlier than four months after the beginning of the relevant calendar year, at least two reminders have already been given to the Party and consultations have taken place with the Party concerned prior to the final reminder;
17. Requests the international transaction log administrator to provide, in its annual reports for 2018 and 2019, information on transactions of Kyoto Protocol units;
18. Also requests the international transaction log administrator to publish, in its annual reports, a table listing the scale and the level of fees and the status of payments for all Parties connected to the international transaction log;
19. Further requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, at its fiftieth session (June 2019), to recommend a methodology for the collection of international transaction log fees in the biennium 2020–2021 for consideration and adoption by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol at its fifteenth session (November 2019).

1 FCCC/SBI/2017/4/Add.2.


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