Decision 6/CMP.13
Programme budget for the biennium 2018–2019
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol,
Recalling Article 13, paragraph 5, of the Kyoto Protocol,
Taking note of decision 21/CP.23, in particular paragraph 1,
Having considered the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2018–2019 submitted by the Executive Secretary,1
1. Endorses decision 21/CP.23 on the programme budget for the biennium 2018–2019 as it applies to the Kyoto Protocol;
2. Adopts the indicative scale of contributions for 2018 and 2019 contained in the annex, covering 15.0 per cent of the indicative contributions specified in table 1 of decision 21/CP.23;
3. Invites all Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to note that contributions to the core budget are due on 1 January of each year in accordance with paragraph 8(b) of the financial procedures for the Conference of the Parties, its subsidiary bodies and the secretariat,2 and to pay promptly and in full for each of the years 2018 and 2019 the contributions required to finance the approved expenditures set out in decision 21/CP.23;
4. Takes note of the financing requirements for the clean development mechanism and joint implementation proposed by the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism and the Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee, respectively.
1 FCCC/SBI/2017/4.
2 Decision 15/CP.1, annex I.