Decision 12/CP.23
Process to identify the information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling Article 9, paragraphs 1, 3 and 5, of the Paris Agreement,
Also recalling decisions 1/CP.21, paragraph 55, and 13/CP.22,
Further recalling decision 3/CP.19, paragraph 10,
1. Reiterates that developed country Parties shall biennially communicate indicative quantitative and qualitative information related to Article 9, paragraphs 1 and 3, of the Paris Agreement, as applicable, including, as available, projected levels of public financial resources to be provided to developing country Parties, and that other Parties providing resources are encouraged to communicate biennially such information on a voluntary basis;1
2. Welcomes the constructive sharing of views during the round-table discussion among Parties organized by the secretariat on 16 May 2017;
3. Also welcomes the summary report on that round-table discussion prepared by the secretariat;2
4. Further welcomes the progress made on this matter as reflected in the informal note by the co-chairs of the contact group thereon;3
5. Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to consider, beginning at its forty-eighth session (April–May 2018) and at any subsequent sessions on the Paris Agreement work programme, the identification of the information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement, and to forward the outcomes to the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-fourth session (December 2018) with a view to the Conference of the Parties providing a recommendation for consideration and adoption by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement at the third part of its first session (December 2018);
6. Also requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to consider the matter referred to in paragraph 5 above taking into account the informal note referred to in paragraph 4 above.
14th plenary meeting
18 November 2017
1 Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement.
2 FCCC/CP/2017/INF.2.