Decision 11/CP.23
Sixth review of the Financial Mechanism
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling decision 12/CP.22,
1. Notes the expert input of the Standing Committee on Finance to the sixth review of the Financial Mechanism;1
2. Takes note of the efforts made by the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism to enhance complementarity and coherence between them and between the operating entities and other sources of investment and financial flows;
3. Requests the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism to continue to enhance complementarity and coherence;
4. Decides to initiate the seventh review of the Financial Mechanism at the twenty-sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (November 2020) in accordance with the criteria in the updated guidelines contained in the annex to decision 12/CP.22, or as those guidelines may be subsequently amended;
5. Requests the Standing Committee on Finance to provide expert input to the seventh review of the Financial Mechanism in 2021 with a view to the review being completed by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-seventh session (November 2021).
14th plenary meeting
18 November 2017
1 FCCC/CP/2017/9, annex II.