Unique Conferences Canada, the leading Canadian research conference organizer and the International Center for Research & Development, the premier conference organizer in Asia are proud to announce the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation 2017 (CCA 2017) will be held on 16-17 September ,2017 at the Chestnut Conference Centre,University of Toronto,Canada.
Climate Change Adaptation 2017 is an interactive platform to connect and reconnect colleagues around the world. You can meet participants from 2012, 2013, 2014,2015 and 2016 conferences as well as new participants in this conference. CCA 2017 conference is the premier knowledge building event in Canada.
Climate Change Adaptation is your place for building relationships with others who excel in Adaptation strategies. Learn about best practices, and establish network with future collaborators in the Climate Change domain.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference abstract book with a Canadian ISBN 978-0-9951985-9-x-x . The full papers will be accepted through a double blind reviewed process and will be published online and forwarded a copy to Canadian Archives for future preservation. The conference book will be deposited at the US Congress Library the largest library in the world.
We will submit the proceedings to be indexed in the Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, Google Scholar for possible Indexing.
More information http://www.globalclimate.info/