Activities: Scientific Capacity Building/Enhancement for SustainableDevelopment in Developing Countries (CAPaBLE)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011 Read 1473 times Written by 


The Scientific Capacity Building/Enhancement for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries programme (CAPaBLE), which was launched in April 2003, is an initiative to realise parts 107 to 114 of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) and is registered as a WSSD Type II Partnership Initiative. Of particular relevance is Part 111 of JPOI:

“Establish regular channels between policy-makers and the scientific community for requesting and receiving science and technology advice for the implementation of Agenda 21, and create and strengthen networks for science and education for sustainable development, at all levels, with the aim of sharing experiences and best practices, and building scientific capacities, particularly in developing countries”.

The CAPaBLE programme is enhancing scientific capacity in developing countries to improve decision-making relating to issues that are directly linked to their sustainable development. This effort is being achieved through a two-track process of capacity enhancement for experienced leading scientists and capacity development for early-career scientists under the APN Annual Call for Proposals. An evaluation of Phase One of CAPaBLE (2003-2006) was conducted in 2008, the results of which reaffirmed the urgency and need for a programme like CAPaBLE as an integrated pillar of APN activities focussing on scientific capacity development, particularly for developing countries.

Activities of Interest under the CAPaBLE Programme
• Scientific capacity development for sustainable development
• Science-policy Interfacing
• Awareness raising Activities
• Dissemination Activities   

Capacity Development: The CAPaBLE programme enhances scientific capacity in developing countries to improve decision-making in focus areas of global change and sustainable development. Proposed activities should be aimed at providing scientists (particularly emerging, developing-country scientists) with opportunities for scientific capacity development in topics of interest under the CAPaBLE Programme.
Special emphasis is placed on targeting developing country scientists in the Asia-Pacific region; targeting specific topics in the area of global change and sustainable development and partnership activities, as outlined in the APN’s Third Strategic Plan; and dissemination activities for policy- and decision-makers and civil society.

Capacity Enhancement: Comprehensive Research Project* activities aim to produce scientifically excellent research outcomes that could be highly appreciated by international science communities. Under the capacity enhancement element of CAPaBLE, comprehensive research projects are planned and implemented by Asia-Pacific leading developing country scientists targeting specific research activities and offering them opportunities for further enhancing scientific capacity. The projects are planned and implemented primarily by developing country scientists with the assistance of experienced developed country scientists, as appropriate.

*Call for Comprehensive Research Proposals under the CAPaBLE Programme is being launched every three years. The next Call is expected to be on 2011.
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