4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE 2011): A Paradigm Shift to Low carbon Society

Tuesday, 31 May 2011 Read 2203 times Written by 

The Conference & Major Topics

The SEE 2011 Conference will cover both fundamental and applied aspects of different technological developments as well as policy and economic considerations under the 6 major topics described below:

Topic A: Bioenergy & Biofuels
Biomass for heat and power; Bioenergy for rural development; Bioethanol and biodiesel;
Second and future generation biofuels; Biomass resources; Biomass handling and pretreatment;
Waste-to-energy including landfill gas; Biogas production and utilization

Topic B: Renewable and low carbon energy technologies
Solar thermal, solar cooling and Photovoltaic; Fuel cell (H2 production, Fuel cell materials, Fuel cell applications);
Wind energy (Resource, Wind turbine technology); Hydropower (Resource, Hydro turbine technology);
Ocean energy (Marine current energy, tidal and wave energy, OTEC); Geothermal energy; Nuclear energy

Topic C: Energy efficiency
Energy conservation in building (Near zero energy building); Advanced building materials and design;
Energy conservation in industry; Combined heat and power; Energy efficiency in transportation sector;
Energy storage (Advanced battery, Other energy carriers);
Power transmission and distribution (distributed generation, smart grid, etc)

Topic D: Cleaner use of fossil fuels and emission control
Burners and boilers; Clean coal technology; Gas-to-liquid; Emission control technologies;
Alternative fuel vehicles (NGV, Flex-fuel and electric vehicles)

Topic E: Energy and climate policy
Energy policy studies; Energy and GHG abatement modeling and policy;
Approaches and measures towards a low carbon society;
Mitigation scenario, climate change policy and carbon mechanisms;
Socioeconomic impact of energy options and measures

Topic F: Pollution and GHG emissions and mitigation
Sinks & sources of emissions; Carbon capture and sequestration including bio-sequestration;
Mitigation technologies and options; Adaptive technology to climate change
Air pollution, air quality modeling, and air pollutant emissions; Pollution control from energy production sources

Guidelines for abstract preparation

Intending authors are invited to submit an abstract on topics within the scope of the conference in not more than
1 page of A4 size paper. The abstract should clearly indicate the purpose of the work, approach and significant
results obtained. The abstract must be prepared on single side, single column, (all margins should be set at 2.5 cm.),
single space type written form and must include the following information:

     •   Full title of the paper (12-point font size, Times New Roman font)
     •   Full names of the author and co-author(s) (12-point font size, Times New Roman font), and respective
         affiliation (10-point font size, Times New Roman font
     •   Tel, fax and e-mail address of the corresponding author (10-point font size,Times New Roman font)
     •   Main text (12-point font size, Times New Roman font)

Authors may use the abstract template provided.

Guidelines for full paper submission 

Authors notified of the acceptance of their abstract(s) for oral and/or poster presentation are required to
submit the full paper of their manuscript(s) for publication in the proceedings.
Authors are required to write the A4 size full-text manuscript (not longer than 6 camera-ready pages)
using format of the full paper template provided.

Deadline for complete manuscript submission: 31 August 2011.

ที่มา: ขอขอบคุณและอ่านรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมได้ที่ http://www.4th-see.com


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