Children’s health and climate change

Monday, 01 April 2013 Read 1088 times Written by 

01 04 2013 18-2

Children’s health and climate change. Interview with the international expert Aaron Bernstein

Posted by Rocío Román on February 27th of 2013.

The conference about climate change celebrated in Doha, Qatar, between the 26th of November and 8th of December 2012, ended with the approval of the second period of engagement of the Kioto Protocol for the next eight years, between the first of January 2013 and the 31st of December 2020. The challenge posed in this second period is to reduce the emissions of the subscriber countries in 18% with reference to the levels existing in 1990. Furthermore, the levels of polluting gases have been revised, incorporating NF3 (nitrogen trifluoride).

However, immediate analysis makes us wonder whether this agreement is really efficient from the point of view of the final effects about climate change, because it only affects those countries that are responsible for 15% of the greenhouse gases. Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Russia leave their engagement for this second period.

Maybe one of the questions that we citizens would like to know is whether the world greenhouse gas emissions have been effectively reduced. EU has been one of the regions to promote the international agreement to diminish greenhouse gases (GHG). Especifically, the most updated data for the 27-EU members, show us the effective reduction of these emissions in the last 20 years. In 2010, 27-EU achieved the reduction of these emissions in 15% with respect to 1990, which sets it very close of the 2020 challenge. However, it seems that the efforts of these 27 member states are not enough for the struggle against climate change, because it requires a global action.

The interest of Fundació Roger Torné to know the consequences of climate change on health and specially on children, made us request the opinion of an international expert in this matter, Dr. Aaron Bernstein, who generously accepted answering some of our questions.

Despite mass media inform us about the results and agreements reached in the different International Conferences of the Parts for Climate Change, it seems impossible to reach two or three ideas that are understandable and easy to transmit as conclusions.

Q: Could you help us summarize in two or three ideas the conclusions of the last Conference about Climate Change held in Doha? Do you think there has been any important change since the last agreement?

A: First of all, we will probably not be able to avoid planet heating under 2 Celsius degrees. Secondly, it is the frame where to stablish a new world agreement for 2015. Thirdly, the financing of the adaptation projects of developing countries are still difficult to achieve.

The conference, held in Doha, in its work program, recognizes that education, capacitation and ability development are essential for all the parts to achieve long term sustainable development. From this declaration,

Do you think that environmental education could contribute to future agreements for GHG emission reductions?

A: The challenge to reduce greenhouse gases goes beyond education, although we must and we can make bigger effort in order to ensure that everybody understands what is at stake for their health and especially for children’s health. There are too many people that still believe that human being do not contribute to climate change. The most important area in which education can contribute is by explaining the possibilities existing for our economies to abandon fossil fuels.

Environmental information related to the implications of climate change is quite extensive. However, it seems that knowledge about the effects of climate change on health are not that extended among citizens.

Do you think that further efforts should be made to raise awareness on the effects of climate change on health, for example?

A: One of the reasons why, as a pediatrician, I have devoted so much time to work in issues like climate change is because I realized, many years ago, that if we do not fight climate change effectively, nothing I do as a doctor would matter. My prescription pad can only help, but the consequences of climate change on health affect everybody and in some cases in a very severe way. If the citizen understands that his/her health and the health of the sons is at stake, they will do anything that is in their hands to face it.

In Doha, one of the conclusions has been the importance to take several aspects into account, such as gender, and to incorporate into the struggle against climate change groups of young people, children, elderly, people with disabilities, local communities, etc

Why is it important to involve these groups in the struggle against climate change?

Gender is important in many aspects. First of all, education has many benefits for women, including those in developing countries, as it helps understand that they can thrive economically if they have less sons. Speaking generally, climate change is one of the biggest moral issues of our time. With theunmeasured consumption of fossil fuels, rich countries have acted and still do hurting the poorest. This reality can generate decades if not centuries of resentment and mistrust between the peoples from all corners of the earth.

What is the role played by WHO in this conference when it comes to giving information about the effects of climate change on health?

A: The WHO has made this impact clear and has to go on doing so. Climate change affects all the pillars that we need to be healthy – food, water, air and housing, among others-, so the WHO will have to highlight these effects and involve policy makers.

Do you consider that the eventual amendment to the Kyoto Protocol in Doha without the commitment of many countries GHG emitters will be enough?

A: No. If the USA, China and other big emitting countries are not engaged with substantial reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases, we will not be able to avoid serious risks for health, unfortunately.



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