Comparison of the hydro-climatological characteristics for the extra-ordinary flood induced by tropical cyclone in the selected river basins
Dongryul Lee1, Byunghwa Oh2, Hwirin Kim3, Sangheon Lee4, Gunhui Chung5*
1Water Resources Research Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Republic of Korea
2Water Resources Division, Korea Institute of Construction Technology, Republic of Korea
3River Information Center, Han River Flood Control Office, MOLIT, Republic of Korea
4River Information Center, Han River Flood Control Office, MOLIT, Republic of Korea
5Department of Civil Engineering, Hoseo University, Cheongchungnam-Do, Republic of Korea
As the increased interesting on global warming and extreme water-related disasters, there are many countries which have been suffering from the extreme floods induced by tropical cyclones in East Asia. Therefore, in this study, the geographical and hydrometeolorogical characteristics and flood forecasting and warning systems in the selected basins from Thailand, Philippines, and South Korea are compared. Chao Phraya river basin, Pampanga river basin and Nakdong river basin are selected from Thailand, Philippines, and South Korea, respectively. As the results from the comparison, it was discovered that the different geographical and hydrometeolorogical characteristics delivers the different types of flood forecasting and warning systems in each basin. Due to the different geographical characteristics, the damage caused by the similar amount of monthly rainfall is different according to the historical records. This difference is expected to be caused by the different river regime coefficient and soil structures. The flood forecasting and warning systems in three basins are also different. South Korea has the centralized control system for the flood forecasting and warning, while the other basins have the more localized monitoring, forecasting, and warning procedures. In addition to the flood forecasting and warning system, according to the geographical characteristics, the density of the gauging stations is also different. The analyzed results might help the policy makers in the basins develop the adaptive flood forecasting and warning system considering the basin characteristics. In the further study, more investigation has to be done for the quantified results from the three basins.
Corresponding author address: Gunhui Chung, Department of Civil Engineering, Hoseo University, Cheongchungnam-Do, Republic of Korea.
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DOI: 10.6057/2013TCRR01.05