item 6 Research and systematic observation

Monday, 10 September 2012 Read 1756 times Written by 

Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
Thirty-fourth session
Bonn, 6–16 June 2011

Agenda item 6
Research and systematic observation

Research and systematic observation
Draft conclusions proposed by the Chair

1. The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) noted the information provided prior to its thirty-fourth session in preparation for the meeting under the SBSTA dialogue on developments in research activities relevant to the needs of the Convention being held in the context of decision 9/CP.11 (hereinafter referred to as the research dialogue) and for the related workshop (FCCC/SBSTA/2010/MISC.12, FCCC/SBSTA/2011/MISC.1, FCCC/SBSTA/2011/MISC.4 and FCCC/SBSTA/2011/INF.1) on recent climate change research findings and uncertainty management, communicating climate change science and building capacity for research in developing countries.

2. The SBSTA noted the progress made in the implementation of decision 9/CP.11 through the establishment and maintenance of the research dialogue under the SBSTA, as initiated at its twenty-sixth session.1

3. The SBSTA welcomed the continuation of the research dialogue held during the thirty-fourth session of the SBSTA and the related workshop on research referred to in paragraph 1 above, which was organized by the secretariat, under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, from 2 to 3 June 2011 in Bonn, Germany, and expressed its appreciation to the governments that provided financial support for the workshop.

4. The SBSTA conveyed its appreciation to the regional and international programmes and organizations engaged in climate change research (hereinafter referred to as research programmes and organizations), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations agencies and organizations, and scientific experts for their active participation and contributions during the workshop and the research dialogue,2 and for sharing their knowledge and results emerging from their research activities. The SBSTA also expressed its appreciation to Parties for sharing their views on their research needs and priorities for policy-relevant scientific information, as well as on communication and research-related capacity-building needs.

5. The SBSTA noted with appreciation the broadened participation by other organizations, programmes and agencies active in climate change research. It also noted that the workshop strengthened the research dialogue between Parties and research programmes and organizations. It further noted with appreciation that both events, especially the workshop, contributed to an enhanced communication between the science and policy communities, and to an enhanced consideration and understanding by Parties of emerging scientific findings and related issues on communication and research-related capacity-building in developing countries and other issues addressed under the research dialogue.

6. The SBSTA welcomed the report on the workshop,3 which included information on research findings, research needs and ongoing activities in international and regional climate change research. The SBSTA noted that this information included significant
emerging research outcomes, since the publication of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, of relevance to the UNFCCC, including on ocean acidification, changes to the cryosphere, sea level rise and emissions scenarios.

7. The SBSTA noted that the workshop report:
(a) Included information from some Parties on policy-relevant research needs,
including for interdisciplinary research, as well as on the need for improved and sustained
observations to support further research, especially in areas where data are scarce, as well
as for enhanced and sustained ground-based observation networks for the validation of satellite data;
(b) Considered good practices, challenges and needs, and lessons learned in communicating climate change science, including linkages with local knowledge and the use of local languages, to the user community, the general public, stakeholders, including the most vulnerable groups, and policymakers;
(c) Highlighted lessons learned and future needs in building capacity for research and related activities in developing countries and the need to enhance developing country participation in climate change research.

8. The SBSTA emphasized the need for improved communication and interaction between the scientific community and users of climate information in order to support adaptation and mitigation planning and activities.

9. The SBSTA also emphasized the need to further enhance the relevance of the research dialogue and linkages with other activities under the UNFCCC process. In this regard, the SBSTA invited the research programmes and organizations to continue to provide information on developments in research activities relevant to the needs of the Convention.4

10. The SBSTA further emphasized the value of promoting the outputs of research through activities undertaken under Article 6 of the Convention, particularly in developing countries.

11. The SBSTA stressed the need to enhance the availability of research findings from developing countries. It encouraged the research programmes and organizations to include research when reporting information in the context of the research dialogue.

12. The SBSTA requested the secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, to continue to support the research dialogue, including:
(a) Organizing further workshops, as appropriate, in periodic consultation with the research programmes and organizations, and to be agreed by the SBSTA;
(b) Enhancing the visibility of scientific information of relevance to the Convention on its website, including the provision of a calendar of key science–policy meetings in collaboration with research programmes and organizations, and the IPCC.

13. The SBSTA invited Parties to provide, by 19 September 2011, their views on the research dialogue, including ongoing activities, associated modalities and ways to enhance the dialogue. The SBSTA requested the secretariat to compile these submissions into a miscellaneous document for consideration by the SBSTA at its thirty-fifth session. The SBSTA agreed to defer its consideration of matters related to systematic observation, including issues related to the timing of the contributions of the Global Climate Observing System to the SBSTA, to its thirty-sixth session.

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