Establishment of a gender action plan

Thursday, 26 July 2018 Read 733 times Written by 

Decision 3/CP.23
Establishment of a gender action plan
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling decisions 36/CP.7, 1/CP.16, 23/CP.18, 18/CP.20, 1/CP.21 and 21/CP.22, as well as the Paris Agreement, Reaffirming the General Assembly resolution on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Noting that gender-responsive climate policy continues to require further strengthening in all activities concerning adaptation, mitigation and related means of implementation (finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building), as well as decision-making on the implementation of climate policies,1 Also noting that, notwithstanding the progress made by Parties in implementing the decisions referred to above, there is a need for women to be represented in all aspects of the Convention process and a need for gender mainstreaming through all relevant targets and goals in activities under the Convention as an important contribution to increasing their effectiveness, Acknowledging with appreciation the important role of the extended Lima work programme on gender in integrating gender considerations into the work of Parties and the secretariat in implementing the Convention, and the role of the gender action plan (contained in the annex) in supporting the implementation of gender-related decisions and mandates under the UNFCCC process, Recalling decision 21/CP.22, paragraph 27, which mandated the development of a gender action plan in order to support the implementation of gender-related decisions and mandates under the UNFCCC process, which may include priority areas, key activities and indicators, timelines for implementation, responsible and key actors and indicative resource requirements for each activity, and the further elaboration of its review and monitoring processes, Also recalling that Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights as well as gender equality, Taking into account the imperative of a just transition of the workforce when implementing the gender action plan,
1. Adopts the gender action plan, contained in the annex, under the Lima work programme on gender;
2. Invites Parties, Parties, Parties, Parties, Parties, members of members of members of members of members of members of members of members of members of members of constituted bodies, United Nations organizations, observers and other stakeholders to participate and engage in implementing the gender action plan with a view to advancing towards the goal of mainstreaming a gender perspective in all elements of climate action;
3. Welcomes the technical paper prepared by the secretariat on achieving the goal of gender balance;2
4. Notes the lack of progress made in delegations and constituted bodies towards the goal of gender balance;
5. Requests the secretariat to prepare, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body for Implementation at its session to be held in November 2019, a synthesis report on the implementation of the gender action plan, identifying areas of progress, areas for improvement and further work to be undertaken in subsequent action plans, so as to elaborate recommendations for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-fifth session (November 2019) in the context of the review referred to in paragraph 7 below;
6. Decides that the topics of the annual in-session workshops to be held in conjunction with the sessions of the subsidiary bodies taking place in the first sessional period of 2018 and 20193 will be based on the submission referred to in activity E.1 of priority area E of the gender action plan (see table 5) and on the short- and long-term impacts of the gender action plan, which may also be informed by the synthesis report referred to in paragraph 5 above, respectively;
7. Also decides to review, at its twenty-fifth session, the implementation of the gender action plan in the context of the review of the Lima work programme on gender4 so as to consider the next steps, including an assessment of the impacts of the gender action plan;
8. Invites Parties and relevant organizations to participate and engage in the implementation of gender-related activities within the gender action plan, including enhancing the capacity of the gender focal point of the secretariat;
9. Takes note of the estimated budgetary implications of the activities to be undertaken by the secretariat referred to in paragraphs 1, 5 and 6 above;
10. Requests that the actions of the secretariat called for in this decision be undertaken subject to the availability of financial resources.

1 Decision 21/CP.22.
2 FCCC/TP/2017/8.
3 Decision 21/CP.22, paragraphs 11 and 12.
4 Decision 21/CP.22, paragraph 6.


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