Training on Climate Change Adaptation Planning

Tuesday, 14 August 2012 Read 1368 times Written by 

14 08 2012 6

Training on Climate Change Adaptation Planning

Tuesday, 4 September 2012 - Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Southeast Asia is annually affected by climate extremes, particularly floods, droughts and tropical cyclones, while large areas of the region are highly prone to flooding and influenced by moonsons.The IPCC 4th Assessment Report states that Southeast Asia is expected to be seriously affected by the adverse impacts of climate change since most economies are relying onagriculture and natural resources. Recognizing these threats and feeling the impacts, Southeast Asian nations know that climate change adaptation is necessary and have initiated various efforts to respond thru policies and programs.

The Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) supports these efforts of the Southeast Asian nation and aims to facilitate the application of appropriate knowledge to adaptation programs and projects, to inform development planning and investment decisions to support sustainable adaptation approaches, and to generate and share knowledge, experiences and information.  In order to effectively provide the most appropriate support to the national governments, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) as the sub-regional node for Southeast Asia of APAN, conducted a study on the gaps and needs on climate change adaptation in the sub-region.

Based on the study, the challenge for Southeast Asian nations is to set up the required institutions (both policy and organizations, including structure and capacity).  The interventions necessary range from formulating policy at various level, each aligned and strengthening the other, setting up the institutions, capacitating the individuals, and ensuring the availability of financing.   A major task within the sub-region is transferring knowledge at the different levels, from the national to local, including communities, and developing capacities.  
On February 2012, APAN, together with ICLEI and UNEP conducted a Training Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation which introduced different concepts, tools and best practices.  Prior to that, a Consultation was also conducted with the climate change focal points from Southeast Asia participating.  Consistent with the findings in the paper on gaps and needs, the participants identified the need for institutional capacity in mainstreaming adaptation into the development process.
Considering that this training will be for 2 days, and that this is part of a series of trainings to strengthen the capacities of the national and local government authorities, this training will focus on mainstreaming of climate change adaptation into development planning.

General Objective
This training aims to improve the capacity of national and local authorities in mainstreaming climate change adaptation in development planning.
Specific Objectives
1. Provide general concepts on impacts of climate change, and climate change adaptation.
2. Discuss different approaches of climate change adaptation at regional and national levels.
3. Provide examples on adaptation technologies in vulnerable sectors and areas such as socio-economic, agriculture, and water.
4. Provide guidance on mainstreaming and integrating adaptation into national and local planning processes.
5. Provide guidance on prioritizing adaptation measures.
Expected Results
1. Enhanced understanding regarding the general concepts on impacts of climate change, and climate adaptation.
2. Knowledge of different approaches of climate change adaptation
3. Through the examples, understand the practical adaptation in most vulnerable sectors and areas
4. Be able to bring in or integrate adaptation approaches into their national and local planning processes
5. Knowledge on prioritizing adaptation measures.
For the training, each session will start with an input from an expert followed by a group exercise for the participants to be able to practice the knowledge and/or skill, then a plenary for the group exercise presentations. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions/clarifications to the experts. Powerpoint presentations will be used by the experts in discussing their given topic.  Appropriate materials will also be provided to the participants for the group exercises.
Prior to the training, participants will be asked to prepare data that they will be needing during the training.  They will also be provided with reference materials.

Proposed Sessions
Introductory Module
This session will be a refresher session on climate change in Southeast Asia covering discussions on impacts, projections and concepts and terminologies.  The session will also provide an overview on Climate Change Adaptation to include terminologies, approaches, types, dimensions and policies.
Module 1:  Mainstreaming CCA Into Development Planning
Identified as a need in Southeast Asian countries on adaptation, this session will focus on mainstreaming CCA into development planning.  Different frameworks on mainstreaming will be introduced.  To be discussed as well is the mainstreaming of CCA in different development planning processes such as national development plan, local development plan, land use plan and sectoral plans including entry points and policy considerations.  Cases from 2 participants will also be presented highlighting how they were able to mainstream or how they are mainstreaming CCA into the national and local development plans.  There will be a group exercise for participants to develop a plan in mainstreaming CCA into their national development plans.
Module 2:  Identifying Adaptation Options
This session on Day 2 will specifically discuss different technologies available for CCA.  Science and information technology will be discussed especially on how these fields play an important an important role on CCA especially on policies and identifying adaptation strategies and actions.   A case presentation either from a participant or from the host country will also be part of the session to show how they made use of science and information technology on CCA.
A group exercise will follow thereafter.  The exercise will be on identifying adaptation actions based on a given scenario.
Module 3:  Climate Change Adaptation Measure
The last module for this training will focus on prioritizing climate change adaptation measures.  Discussion will include the process of evaluating adaptation measures identified, criteria and assessment.  As an exercise, participants will identify their priority measures based on their output from group exercise #2.


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โครงการพัฒนาโมเดลต้นแบบ การจัดการขยะชุมชนต้านภัยโลกร้อนระดับจังหวัด
โครงการพัฒนาดัชนีความร้อน และการประยุกต์ใช้ศึกษาคลื่นความร้อนในประเทศไทย


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โปรแกรมการวิเคราะห์ และประมวลผลดัชนีความล่อแหลมจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ และภัยพิบัติในระดับจังหวัดและท้องถิ่น
MCCAI ดัชนีการดำเนินงานด้านการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศของเทศบาล
แบบสอบถามออนไลน์: CCAI


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