Climate change is one of the major challenges at modern times. Temperature rise is one of the major output of climate change which is known as “global warming”. The average temperature of the earth has risen by 0.8 °C during the past century and is expected to rise about 1 to 6 °C this century. Global warming is mainly caused by greenhouse gases (GHGs) which act like blanket insulating the Earth through absorbing energy and slowing the rate at which the energy escapes to space.
The contribution of Palestine to GHGs and related climate change is negligible, yet it is highly influenced by the negative impacts of this phenomenon. As a member to UNFCCC and Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the State of Palestine is committed to ensure that its future emissions rate is in line with the objective of the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC), to keep the GHGs concentrations low to an acceptable level that would minimize anthropogenic interference with the climate system. The Palestinian Government is committed to play a major role in reducing GHGs emissions and taking the required actions adopt with occurring impacts of climate change that is in line with the objectives of the UNFCCC that demands low emissions per capita in each country. Recently, Palestine has developed its Initial National Communication Report to UNFCCC and its own National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to climate change and identified a wide range of highly vulnerable issues in relation to different sectors including: agriculture; water , coastal and marine areas; energy; food, health; industry; terrestrial ecosystems, solid waste and wastewater. The Israeli occupation has played a major role in restricting the Palestinian adaptive capacities and ability for implementing mitigation plans. Besides, financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are vital issues to achieve the mentioned goals in tackling, mitigating and adapting to climate change.
The current conference is the first international, peer-reviewed and multi-disciplinary event on climate change in Palestine. It provides platform for sharing the cutting-edge research on climate change and global warming and their impacts on Palestine, Middle East and the whole world. The conference will be a real international gathering that brings together leading scientists, researchers, decision makers, governmental agencies and social movements to present their research and experience that is related to climate change, in addition to discuss related strategies, policies and actions required for reducing the greenhouse emissions and assessing developments in adaptation and mitigation technologies.
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