The 2016 Summer Institute for Disaster and Risk Research

Tuesday, 31 May 2016 Read 1317 times Written by 

The 2016 Summer Institute for Disaster and Risk Research

July 25 – August 5, 2016, Beijing Normal University, China

31 05 2016 4

Call for Application

The series of Summer Institute for Disaster and Risk Research is part of the implementation of the Hazard and Risk Science Base at Beijing Normal University, funded jointly by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, Ministry of Education, and the Beijing Normal University.

Who can apply?
The Summer Institute is designed primarily for junior faculty and young researchers, post-docs and advanced doctoral students, who have shown strong interests and possessed research experience in the disaster and risk field. The application is open to researchers from all disciplines and the admissions are based on individual’s qualification and research relevance to the overall focus of the summer institute. Preference will be given to applicants who are in the stage of finalizing and publishing research. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are required. The summer institute is international in scope with about 20 participants, of which an equal share of Chinese and international participants is expected.

Research Area Focus
The broad research area for the summer institute series is the inter-linkages of disaster, risk, and development. The overall research question is how to understand the dynamics and characteristics of disaster and risk transition in a changing world, with special focus on China.

Programme Structure
The two-week intensive summer institute focuses on co-creating a research discussion and writing environment where participants can closely interact with mentors and each other to develop research paper. In addition to core lectures by world leading scholars, much time is given to individual sessions where participants can present their own research, as well as self-organized group works and individual mentoring.

Core Summer Institute Mentors
- Professor Ortwin Renn, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- Professor Carlo Jaeger, Potsdam University in Germany and Beijing Normal University in China.
- Professor Sander van der Leeuw, Arizona State University, USA.
- Professor Peijun Shi, Beijing Normal University, China.
(Note: additional core faculties will be invited)

Scholarship and Financial Support
Partial financial supports as scholarship are provided to all accepted participants. For participants from China, domestic travel cost and accommodation are covered by the summer institute. For international participants, the summer institute offers free accommodation and partial support for international travel with a fixed amount of “travel scholarship award” depending on the region-from and anticipated travel cost, but not more than US$800.

How to apply?
The application form can be downloaded from the homepage of the Hazard and Risk Science Base at Beijing Normal University ( ), the CV and a cover letter are also required.
- For international applicants, the deadline for application is 31 May 2016; and decisions by early June.
- For applicants from China, the deadline is 15 June 2016, and decision will be informed late June.

For all questions concerning the 2016 Summer Institute for Disaster and Risk Research, please contact:

Dr. Wei Xu
Tel/Fax: +86-10-58806695; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal Address: No.19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District
Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, Zip Code: 100875


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