“Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia”

Wednesday, 07 May 2014 Read 1362 times Written by 

07 05 2014 1

THA 2015 International Conference on “Climate Change and Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia”

28-30 January 2015,Bangkok, Thailand

Call For Papers
Deadlines : Submission: 30 July 2014
Send abstract or full paper papers to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Aims and Scope
The objective is to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, practitioners, and policy makers to share and present new advances, research findings, perspectives, and experiences in Disaster Irrigation and Water Management. Special attentions will be given to developing certain skills or competence, or general upgrading of performance ability for climate change adaptation, participatory water management disaster and environmental management, and sustainable development in irrigation and drainage in the monsoon Asia. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers, scientists, and officials in the domain of interest from around the world.

Topics of the conference are:

Topic A: Climate Change and Uncertainty in hydrology and meteorology.
Topic B: Participatory Management for Water and Irrigation project.
Topic C: Emerging Technologies in Water Management and Environmental.
Topic D: Disaster Management.

Call for papers
Authors are invited to submit abstracts and/or papers to a scientific committee of the conference who will be responsible for evaluating the submitted abstracts and papers. The notification of acceptance will be dispatched after the decision making from the scientific committee. The authors of accepted abstract are then requested for full papers. Only accepted papers will be published in the proceeding.

The official language of the conference will be English. All abstracts, papers and posters should be submitted in English.

Abstract or Paper Submission Guidelines

Abstract submission Deadline: 30 July 2014

Authors are requested to submit abstract or full paper of their papers through email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract should be written in English within 250 words (A4 not longer than 1 page)
excluding the title of the paper, author name(s), affiliation(s), and keyword(s) that should be displayed at the top of the page. (in Microsoft Word version)

THA 2015_ Abstract_Template

Paper Submission Deadline: 31 October 2014

Full paper submission in English is expected. All manuscripts must be prepared in the standard THA 2015 Conference Proceedings format and limited to the maximum of 6 pages of A4 form in PDF format. Please use 10 points and Time New Roman font. The authors’ names and affiliations, postal addresses, telephones, fax numbers and e-mail addresses must be omitted from the submitted manuscripts. Only electric submissions with PDF files will be accepted via the online submission at:

Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download the template for full paper submission


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โครงการพัฒนาโมเดลต้นแบบ การจัดการขยะชุมชนต้านภัยโลกร้อนระดับจังหวัด
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แบบสอบถามออนไลน์: CCAI


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