Global Climate Change and Sustainability Pathways

Wednesday, 12 February 2014 Read 1202 times Written by 

The 1st Environment and Natural Resources International Conference
(ENRIC 2014): Global Climate Change and Sustainability Pathways
6 – 7 November, 2014
Bangkok, Thailand

12 02 2014 1

Background and Rationale
The current pressing issues regarding the environment and natural resources are resulting from climate change, which are impacting an abundance of natural resources and a wide range of ecosystems. Climate change effects are already observable in many parts of the world. As such, the environment and natural resources of this planet are being impaired worldwide. In fact, it is generally acknowledged that in the World today there are potentially calamitous problems resulting from such factors as environmental destruction, national resource depletion,climate change, global warming,natural disasters, natural resources scarcity and degradation. In addition, it is very likely that anthropogenic climate change will further limit options for human activity, in particular in developing countries. The consequences of accelerated changes in the environment are the challenges that we, as global inhabitants, face in the decades to come. Development of strategies in natural resource management together with advances in understanding ecosystem functions using multidisciplinary approaches are key to tackling these challenges and highlighting the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences in the South East Asian region and beyond. Mahidol University, as a leading academic institution in environmental science and natural resource management studies for almost four decades, is therefore hosting the “The 1st Environment and Natural Resources International Conference (ENRIC 2014)” to discuss pertinent issues with a regional focus, and to stimulate future collaboration in order to more effectively adapt to our changing world.
The Environment and Natural Resources Journal has been published since 2001 by the Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. Environment and Natural Resources is an open access journal and national publication devoted to various disciplines in environmental science and technology. The journal aims to provide the most complete, up-to-date, and reliable sources of information on current developments in the field of environment and natural resource studies with an emphasis on publishing quality articles promptly and making them freely available worldwide.
The 1st Environment and Natural Resources International Conference (ENRIC 2014) will be held from 6 – 7 November 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference will bring together researchers and experts in environmental science and natural resource management to share their ideas, experiences and insights. We welcome environmental academics, researchers, practitioners, and interested colleagues from research institutions, R&D enterprise services, as well as governmental organizations in the ASEAN region and others countries to exchange knowledge around the conference topics.  


    To gather researchers in environmental science and other disciplines related to environment and natural resources issues, so that they may present their recent research findings and achievements.
    To offer a platform for undergraduate and graduate students and young scientists to present their projects and apply their English skills in a professional forum.
    To share current research and management experience amongst the university community, consulting and governmental agency professionals, and environmental organizations.
    To stimulate the development of collaborative research on environment and natural resources issues in the S.E.A region.
    To promote public awareness and understanding of environment and natural resources issues


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