The 2nd EnvironmentAsia International Conference

Tuesday, 19 February 2013 Read 1271 times Written by 


The 2nd EnvironmentAsia International Conference on
“Human Vulnerability and Global Environmental Change"
15-17 May, 2013


Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment (TSHE)

University of Liverpool

Graz university of Technology

University of Twente, the Netherlands

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

School of Global Studies, Thammasat University, Thailand

Kasetsart University, Si Racha Campus, Chonburi Province, Thailand
Background and Rationale

For two decades, we as global citizens have run marathon in securing our environment without much success (from the 1992 Rio Conference, to the 2002 Johannesburg or Rio+10, and then to 2012 Rio Conference or Rio+20). Most national leaders are aware of high consumption of natural resources, lack of pollution control, unpredictable climate conditions and other natural disasters which affect quality of human life and global ecosystem.  However, we have not put sufficient attempts to combat these environmental problems together but pay more attention to the world economic insecurity. Although some stakeholders turn these catastrophes into new opportunities of development, especially green economy, sufficient economy, or green politics; we just experience trial and error which put global ecosystem and human society at risk.

The 2nd EnvironmentAsia International Conference on “Human Vulnerability and Global Environmental Change” is being conducted by the Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment (TSHE). The Conference aims to address the crisis and challenges we face, and seize the opportunity in emerging areas of energy, environment, and global changes to achieve sustainable development. The 2nd EnvironmentAsia International Conference shall provide a forum for academicians, technologists, researchers, students, entrepreneurs, and policy makers worldwide to exchange ideas and emerging technologies in the fields of natural resource management, environmental education, environmental science, human impacts and adaptation, tourism, and cultural environment.

The Conference will attempt to evolve the agenda for environmental policies, and the identification of green technologies and their subsequent implementation for sustainable development. The Conference will take a multidisciplinary approach across various fields and perspectives through which the fundamental questions of sustainability can be addressed. Main speakers include some of the leading thinkers in the field, as well as numerous papers, and colloquium.

    To learn and deepen awareness of environmental issues and realities.
    To reflect on our modes of living, renewing these towards sustainability.
    To empower people to take concrete actions to resolve the issues we face.

Tentative Sessions

    Global Environmental Change and Disaster
    Environmental Science and Technology
    Natural Resource Management
    Human Impact and Adaptation
    Environmental Education/Tourism/Culture

Environmental and cultural excursion

    Thailand is an extraordinary country of contrasts and surprises with glittering temples, tropical forests, idyllic beaches, modern shopping malls and friendly hospitable people. Environmental and cultural excursion is specially designed for those desiring to look at the environment and cultural face of Thailand.

Updates and News

    Abstract submission for oral presentations and posters can be submitted from now until February 25, 2013.
    The guideline for abstract and full-paper submission in the “Instruction for author”
    Registration details
    Journal Publication: Qualified papers will be selected to publish in “EnvironmentAsia” international journal (, which is covered by Scopus, DOAJ, EBSCO, TCI and Geobase bibliogrpahic databases.
    Young Researcher and Poster Awards
    Conference poster
    Travel information of Si Racha


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โครงการพัฒนาโมเดลต้นแบบ การจัดการขยะชุมชนต้านภัยโลกร้อนระดับจังหวัด
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โปรแกรมประมวลผลดัชนีความร้อน สำหรับประเทศไทย
โปรแกรมการวิเคราะห์ และประมวลผลดัชนีความล่อแหลมจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ และภัยพิบัติในระดับจังหวัดและท้องถิ่น
MCCAI ดัชนีการดำเนินงานด้านการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศของเทศบาล
แบบสอบถามออนไลน์: CCAI


SOI Annual
Multivariate ENSO
Indian Summer and Western North Pacific Monsoon Index


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Point Carbon


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